Treatment using name Al-Jaame


Treatment using name Al-Jaame

Shah Abdur Raheem Sahab Dard R.A


The Assembler. The one who assembles things anywhere and at any time.Treatment using name Al-Jaame

Number: 114

Ya-Jaami- 125


The creator will assemble his creatures and the creatures will be assembled on the day of resurrection. Hence we should pray well, by performing good acts, for the hereafter For this preparation Allah (swt) has sent several messengers with his divine books and finally the Prophet (S.A.S) and the Divine Quran, by following the Quranic teachings we should enable ourselves to achieve the precious ‘Kausar’ on the day of Judgement and influence our surroundings.


The one who recites “Ya-Jaamiu” 25 times by gazing at the sky, insha Allah, the members of his family who have dispersed will gather soon. If anything is misplaced or lost the following Dua shuold be recited excessively, insha Allah soon it will be found.

اللهم يا جامع الناس ليوم لا ريب فيه اجمع  ”
(O Allah, gatherer of mankind on the day wherein there is no doubt! Do gather return to me or let me find my lost Property).