Jun 21 2015
Yoga is Shirk
Yoga is Shirk
There are four aspects of Tawheed that have been classified by the scholars:
Tawheed e Asari

Tawheed e Afali
Tawheed e Sifati
Tawheed e Wujudi
Our main topic here to discuss about Tawheed e Asari or Tawheed fil Ibadah/Uloohiya and to compare how Yoga destroys the Tawheed e Asari.
لا الہ الاللہ محمد رسول اللہ
The first aspect of Tawheed (Tawheed e Asari) is must for all Muslims, with out accepting it one can’t be a muslim, by accepting the Tawheed e Asari muslims must have a strong belief that.
Allah is the only Creator of the universe (لا خالق الاللہ)
Allah is the only Owner of the universe (لا مالک الاللہ)
Allah is the only Commander of the universe (لا حاکم الاللہ)
Allah is the only Lord of the universe (لا رب الاللہ)
Tawheed e Asari or Tawheed fil Ibadah means you are not allowed to worship Allah with names and attributes which He Allah Ta’ala not use to describe himself. Commander of the universe means that Allah is the only Law giver. Lord of the universe means Allah is the only care taker of the universe. Hence you should single out Allah in your Ibadah ie: worship.
It’s quite obvious this branch of Tawheed is called Tawheed Ibadah. Violation of any of these components of tawheed, constitutes as Shirk [idolatry association with Allah]. The unforgivable sin [if its not repented from]…. To take others as Lords besides Allah. To deify creation or To humanize Allah [ie. taking or giving His attributes] To worship others besides Allah, To believe in other laws besides the laws of Allah…this is all shirk.
Shirk in Ibadah is known as Shirk e Jali (Open/Clear shirk) which is enough to enter hell (unless repented).
For more details about the all the aspects of Tawheed please read Sulook ke Do Aham Madarij, Khud Shanasi Haq Shanasi and Kalima e Tayyeba
The New Age movement is a modern religion concocted by Shaytan/Satan for the purpose of obliterating all beliefs in Allah and all Abrahamic religions. It seems logical for Satan to introduce it near to the end of times in order to prepare mankind spiritually for the arrival of the Dajjal (Antichrist). But why is this religion so dangerous? Because people are falling into it like a lamb to the slaughter, without even knowing it.
New Age belief have entered mainstream society, ever wondered for example what is the meaning of Yoga? A popular form of exercise….
Yoga was once practiced mainly by a cult click in India, America and Europe.
Now over 19 million Americans and millions more in Europe and India are actively involved in some kind of Eastern meditations. Altogether 60 million Americans have incorporated Eastern philosophy into their world view.
Yoga is the very heart of Hinduism. There is no Hinduism without Yoga and there is no Yoga without Hinduism. You can’t take Hinduism out of yoga. Yoga goes all the way back to the hindu god Shiva who is called Yogeshvara meaning lord of yoga. You will find yoga being taught in all the major hindu scriptures. Krishna one of the main Hindu god, was an advocate of yoga.
Yoga was also mentioned in the Gita (Hindu scripture) as the main means to attain salvation. Basically, the word means to yolk in union, the goal of the Hindu is to be yolked with Brahman (means universal soul).
What is Yoga?
Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means to yolk with Brahman. What this means is that Aatma – the individual soul which is the goal you are trying to reach the state of consciousness, where it means you are God! You are Brahman, so you reach a state where you realize Aatma the individual soul and Brahman the universal soul are one and the same.
The whole idea of waking up your conscious through arousing the serpent power within you, the idea is that the serpent lays coiled at the base of your spine and through maneuvering, movements – you waken the psychic energy to come up through the wheels – the psychic energy up to the third eye.
If one takes a look at the different position that Yoga presents, they will find that each position has a meaning to a Hindu god, it is named after them. Yoga involves no matter what kind of the position you choose to do includes a form of shirk.
Some positions have names in them that includes : “Goddess” , “Dog”, “Cobra”, “Corpse (as in a body style of the deceased.)” Firstly, the word Goddess is a pagan word to refer to a female god. Secondly, a dog is animal that Islam forbids for us to keep as a pet. And thirdly, why would anyone be willing to mimic these types of position knowing what they mean? All these positions are toxic for the Iman. They are a form of worship each thing that is in its position name. Now let’s say you do not do the Hindu or pagan chants or say their words. Let’s say you call upon Allah for acts of paganism such as yoga. This is a form of innovation. Furthermore, if one uses the excuse that they are doing it to keep in shape, is there no other form of exercise one can use to do so? We live in the 21st Century where you could literally keep in shape in so many other ways…you are not limited to one form of exercise!
Better yet, if you were to pray according to the way it was taught to us by the Prophet (saw) then you would find that you would already be covering majority of the Yoga positions in these simple Islamic moves that you do 5 times a day.
[4.48] Surely Allah does not forgive that anything should be associated with Him, and forgives what is besides that to whomsoever He pleases; and whoever associates anything with Allah, he devises indeed a great sin.
Sep 11 2015
Yoga Islami Tanazur Mein
Yoga Islami Tanazur Mein
Yoga in the context of Islam, Mufti Mohammed Fayyaz Qasmi,
ماہنامہ دارالعلوم ، شمارہ7-8 ، جلد: 99 ، رمضان – شوال 1436 ہجری مطابق جولائی -اگست 2015ء
یوگا اسلامی تناظر میں از: مفتی محمد فیاض قاسمی، رہوا، رامپور، وارث نگر، سمستی پور
یوگا کی حقیقت:
یوگا سنسکرت لفظ ”یوج“ سے نکلا ہے، جس کے معنی شامل ہونے اور متحد ہونے کے ہیں۔ یوگا کے معنی ذہنی گہری سوچ کے ذریعہ وحدت کائنات کے پُر اسرار رازوں تک پہنچنا ہے۔ (اسریٰ نعمانی یوگی تربیت یافتہ ہندوستانی نژاد مسلم صحافی) یوگا کی تقریباً 185ورزش کی ترکیبیں ہیں۔ یوگا کرنے والے شخص کو یوگی کہا جاتا ہے۔
ہندووٴں کی مقدس کتابوں ویدوں اور بھگوت گیتا میں یوگا کی تعلیمات ملتی ہیں۔ یوگا کو ہندووٴں کے مذہبی پیشوا، رشی منی، سادھو سنت اپنے مٹھوں میں ہندومذہبی عقیدہ کے مطابق اپنے چیلوں کے ساتھ بطور فرض کے روزانہ انجام دیتے ہیں۔ بھگوت گیتا کا چھٹا باب فلسفہ یوگا کے لیے خاص ہے، جس میں شری کرشنا نے ارجن کو یوگا کے سلسلہ میں تفصیل سے سمجھایا اور کہا کہ یوگا درد وتکلیف سے چھٹکارا دلاتا ہے اور یوگا کی مشق کرنے والا یوگی روحانیت الٰہی کی نعمت سے نفس کا اطمینان پالیتا ہے۔ ارجن نے شری کرشنا سے پوچھا ”تم نے یوگا کے متعلق بتایا، روح کے متعلق بتایا؛ لیکن انسان کی عقل ہمیشہ بے چین اور مضطرب رہتی ہے۔ عقل مضبوط، ضدی اور پُر مقصد ہوتی ہے، اس کو ہوا کی طرح خارج نہیں کیا سکتا ہے۔“ کرشنا نے جواب دیا یقینا عقل مضطرب ہوتی ہے اور اس پر گرفت مشکل ہے، لیکن اس کی تربیت ابھیاسا (Abhyasa) کے ذریعہ کی جاسکتی ہے اور خواہشات اور ورگیا (Vargaya) سے چھٹکارا مل سکتا ہے۔ (لائٹ آف یوگا صفحہ ۲۰) مزید تفصیلات کیلئے یہاں پر کلک کریں
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“Stay away from Yoga, say NO to Yoga”
By silsilaekamaliya • Islamic Art of Living, Yoga is Shirk • Tags: Can a muslim practice yoga?, can we do yoga, Is Yoga against Islam, is yoga allowed in islam, Is yoga and surya namaskar against Islam?, Is yoga haram?, Islam and Yoga, The Islamic Ruling on Yoga, yoga in islam, Yoga In Islam: Whether It Is Allowed?, Yoga is attack on Islamic Beliefs, Yoga is Shirk, Yoga Islami Tanazur Mein