Jun 22 2015
Yoga in Islam
Yoga in Islam
Anti Islamic forces are always busy to destroy the identity of Islam, trying various methods to weaken the Islamic beliefs, Ibadah and adopting the various ways to make Islam nominal and strip out the Muslims fundamental belief of tawhid.

Their part of agenda is “Yoga”, according to the research of Hindu scholars, Yoga is a source of spiritual and physical purification, and according to their thoughts it is a mean to please their God “Par Maatma”, in the Hindu scriptures yoga is mentioned as the main rituals of Hinduism.
For Muslims this is not the way to worship for the Almighty Allah who is the creator, owner, commander of “SUN” and the whole universe.
Praying Sun or any other creatures is a clear shirk, Yoga revolves around the Sun salutation (Surya Namaskar) (please visit for details http://www.artofliving.org/yoga/health-and-wellness/sun-salutation-mantras), to put aside all comments please note that Sun is not creator(Allah), yes Sun is a source of energy and we pray to the Almighty who have created this source of energy not to the creatures. It is not the matter of hating Sun or loving, it is the matter of worship. Worship only Allah, the creator of universe including Sun.
The Sanskrit chants (Ashlok) used during yoga are the manifestation of idolatrous ideas. Yoga is not secular (http://zeenews.india.com/news/india/yoga-not-secular-vhps-praveen-togadia_1617658.html), Surya Namaskar is an essential part of the exercise form and no performance of yoga is complete without it(http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-yoga-not-secular-but-vedic-says-vhp-leader-praveen-togadia-2097683).
In the modern age, by putting the veil on the main idolatrous ideas, anti Islamic forces are trying to promote Yoga in Muslim community as the “Physical Exercise”, the worst thing is that the Muslims are seems to be inclining towards it.
On the basis of doubts even with out chanting ashlok just for the benefits of physical exercise yoga can’t be performed as according to the Hindu scriptures the whole idea behind yoga is praying to the Sun (Per Maatma, God http://www.shantiyoganola.com/sun-salutations-the-meaning-of-surya-namaskara/) which is a creature and it is a clear shirk. Sun does not deserve worship or prostration, only Allah the creator of Sun and the universe deserves to be worshiped.
Mostly peoples are trying to justify by highlighting the physical benefits of Yoga, but to accept any practice only the physical benefits are not enough, it must be in accordance with the Islamic rules and guidance.
Islam prohibits any doubtful practice, and specifically prohibits very strictly when the practices are related to the shirk (Idolatry).
Muslims worship none other than one Almighty Allah, who created everyone & everything, Sun, Moon, Stars, Jin, Shayateen and all around us and in universe, Worthy of worship is the creator not the creatures. This is called Tawhid, oneness of God, the main Pillar of Islamic beliefs, even prophets cannot be worshiped because they are creatures. We can respect and obey them but not worship them, Our creator is one either you call him Allah in Arabic, Khuda or Yazdaan in Persian & Urdu, God in English,
Ishwar in Hindi. the only supreme being who created all of us.
Many common Indian Muslims particularly and in general across the globe have been deceived by the beautiful titles “Physical Exercise”, “Weight Loss”, and many more lucrative titles and with the opinion of the physical exercise are performing the idolatry through Yoga.
It is very usual to be deceived by these delightful titles of ‘Yoga’ for the Muslims of India and alike countries where the Muslims and non Muslims are living together in multi religion environment, the disastrous part is that the Islamic countries and the Muslims living in Islamic cultures are also suffering from the delightful titles of Yoga, in a book “یوگا شریعت اسلامی کی روشنی میں” (Yoga in the light of Shariah) it is mentioned that the ancient book written on yoga in Sanskrit is translated in Arabic, and also mentioned that huge number of Arabs are coming to the Yoga centers for the special training, it also narrates that Yoga gurus are being called in special aircraft to train yoga to the Arab Royal families, Industrialists, and traders, and in the Arab world India is known as “Land of Yoga”, and pointed a very shocking news that the for the healthy, and comfort journey of the passengers Qatar Airways presented “Fly Healthy, Fly Fit” a special guide of “Yoga” (http://www.qatarairways.com/us/en/fly-healthy-fly-fit.page). It is very shocking and painfull that an Arabic and Islamic country is participating in promoting the non-Islamic “Yoga”.
Five times Sajdah in five Namaz (prayers) a day has probably got more exercise value than 1 SURYA NAMASKAAR a day. Please propagate and share this information with your families and Muslim friends.
We will keep updating this section with more information on how to achieve the meditation and better health using Islamic art of living. Quran and Ahadith have more than enough information about how to achieve the peace of heart, and believe us the so called “Yogis” themselves needs the peace of heart, they are trying very hard to convince that they achieved the peace using yoga and we can guarantee it is just a false claim.
The creator of all the mankind and the universe including Sun declares in the Quran:
“الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَتَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُمْ بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ ۗ أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ”
“They are those who believe and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah. Lo! in the remembrance of Allah hearts do find rest.”
جو لوگ ایمان ﻻئے ان کے دل اللہ کے ذکر سے اطمینان حاصل کرتے ہیں۔ یاد رکھو اللہ کے ذکر سے ہی دلوں کو تسلی حاصل ہوتی ہے
نہ میکدے میں ہے نہ یہ شرابیوں کے پاس ہے
قلب کا سکون تو نماز یوں کے پاس ہے
“Neither it is in pubs nor with drunkards, The peace of heart is with the Muslims offering Namaz(salat)”
“Stay away from Yoga and say no to Yoga”
Sep 11 2015
Yoga Islami Tanazur Mein
Yoga Islami Tanazur Mein
Yoga in the context of Islam, Mufti Mohammed Fayyaz Qasmi,
ماہنامہ دارالعلوم ، شمارہ7-8 ، جلد: 99 ، رمضان – شوال 1436 ہجری مطابق جولائی -اگست 2015ء
یوگا اسلامی تناظر میں از: مفتی محمد فیاض قاسمی، رہوا، رامپور، وارث نگر، سمستی پور
یوگا کی حقیقت:
یوگا سنسکرت لفظ ”یوج“ سے نکلا ہے، جس کے معنی شامل ہونے اور متحد ہونے کے ہیں۔ یوگا کے معنی ذہنی گہری سوچ کے ذریعہ وحدت کائنات کے پُر اسرار رازوں تک پہنچنا ہے۔ (اسریٰ نعمانی یوگی تربیت یافتہ ہندوستانی نژاد مسلم صحافی) یوگا کی تقریباً 185ورزش کی ترکیبیں ہیں۔ یوگا کرنے والے شخص کو یوگی کہا جاتا ہے۔
ہندووٴں کی مقدس کتابوں ویدوں اور بھگوت گیتا میں یوگا کی تعلیمات ملتی ہیں۔ یوگا کو ہندووٴں کے مذہبی پیشوا، رشی منی، سادھو سنت اپنے مٹھوں میں ہندومذہبی عقیدہ کے مطابق اپنے چیلوں کے ساتھ بطور فرض کے روزانہ انجام دیتے ہیں۔ بھگوت گیتا کا چھٹا باب فلسفہ یوگا کے لیے خاص ہے، جس میں شری کرشنا نے ارجن کو یوگا کے سلسلہ میں تفصیل سے سمجھایا اور کہا کہ یوگا درد وتکلیف سے چھٹکارا دلاتا ہے اور یوگا کی مشق کرنے والا یوگی روحانیت الٰہی کی نعمت سے نفس کا اطمینان پالیتا ہے۔ ارجن نے شری کرشنا سے پوچھا ”تم نے یوگا کے متعلق بتایا، روح کے متعلق بتایا؛ لیکن انسان کی عقل ہمیشہ بے چین اور مضطرب رہتی ہے۔ عقل مضبوط، ضدی اور پُر مقصد ہوتی ہے، اس کو ہوا کی طرح خارج نہیں کیا سکتا ہے۔“ کرشنا نے جواب دیا یقینا عقل مضطرب ہوتی ہے اور اس پر گرفت مشکل ہے، لیکن اس کی تربیت ابھیاسا (Abhyasa) کے ذریعہ کی جاسکتی ہے اور خواہشات اور ورگیا (Vargaya) سے چھٹکارا مل سکتا ہے۔ (لائٹ آف یوگا صفحہ ۲۰) مزید تفصیلات کیلئے یہاں پر کلک کریں
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Kind request you to spread this message to all the Muslims.
“Stay away from Yoga, say NO to Yoga”
By silsilaekamaliya • Islamic Art of Living, Yoga is Shirk • Tags: Can a muslim practice yoga?, can we do yoga, Is Yoga against Islam, is yoga allowed in islam, Is yoga and surya namaskar against Islam?, Is yoga haram?, Islam and Yoga, The Islamic Ruling on Yoga, yoga in islam, Yoga In Islam: Whether It Is Allowed?, Yoga is attack on Islamic Beliefs, Yoga is Shirk, Yoga Islami Tanazur Mein