Treatment using name Al-Hayy


Treatment using name Al-Hayy

Shah Abdur Raheem Sahab Dard R.A


The ever lining. The one who will last forever and suffices every thing.Treatment using name Al-Hayy

Number: 18

Ya-Hayyu: 29


Allah (swt) is the one who will last forever. The design engraved on the sight and llft palms of man are about 81-99.
Man reflects all the 99 qualities of Allah (swt). Man is the best creation of Allah (swt). The one whose conscience is alive and who has ‘Imaan’ (faith) is his heart is successful.


The one who writes ‘Ya-Hayyu’ a ceramic plate 3000 times daily and consumes the water with dissolved saffron rose and after every prayer recites it 29 times insha Allah will be rewarded.